This site is maintained by grassroots volunteers and is not directly associated with the official Pete for America campaign.

We are a group of grassroots volunteers and registered voters from the state of Missouri. As we organize across the state, we are seeking people to join our efforts in every congressional district, county and precinct; at any level of participation.

We will fight, when we must fight; but I will never allow us to get so wrapped up in the fighting that we start to think the fighting is the point. The point is what lies on the other side….an American experience defined not by exclusion, but by belonging.

Pete Buttigieg

Join Us!

Be a part of the grassroots team in Missouri! Let us know your areas of interest and how you want to help, and we’ll find a spot for you!

Hear What Pete Has to Say….

Debate Highlights

Iowa Caucus Night

Pizza with Pete!